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However, [url=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybanmisei.html]レイバン ウェイファーラー[/url]you still have a budget but not everybody can afford to pay $1, 000 or more on the Prada, Gucci, Coach, or Clutch handbag to the summer. <a href=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcmseiru.html#MCM キーケース>MCM キーケース</a>These can get very expensive and if you wish to own more than[url=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php]レイバン ウェイファーラー[/url] one of the better handbags for the summer season, then you cannot spend an excess of on just one. http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/pradasuki.html プラダ 財布Here are 5 from the best shopping tricks to assist you to find cheap summer handbags [url=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php]レイバン ティアドロップ[/url]which are also designer originals.
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1. Garage sales
This might sound insane, but because of the economy and a lot of people needing money, [url=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php]レイバン クラブマスター[/url]there are many great treasures showing up at garage sales. Many are struggling to discover work and they need to let go of some of the more luxurious items<a href=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcm.php#MCM 韓国>MCM リュック</a> to pay the bills and keep food about the table.http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybanmisei.html レイバン クラブマスター This means that you might be able to find a great handbag because of this summer at one of these simple sales.[url=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcmseiru.html]MCM[/url]
Just check the classified online and from the newspaper and see if any belonging to the garage sales that are listed can have handbags at all of them. <a href=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcmkan.html#mcm リュック>mcm バッグ</a>This is a great way to find one of the cheap summer handbags to get it for a nominal price.
2. Auction houses
If you love vintage handbags you might possibly get a great score by checking considering the local auction houses. Typically they will have auctions every week or month, http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php レイバン ウェイファーラーand if they have any handbags that will be up for auction you'll possess the chance to get one for your great price. [url=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcmkan.html]mcm 財布[/url]They may be somewhat rare to find, but if you get lucky and among the list of auction houses has one or one or two going up for sell, <a href=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/prada.php#PRADA バッグ>PRADA 財布</a>then you can find cheap summer handbags on the auction.
3. Consignment shops
This is a minor long shot for low-priced summer handbags, but sometimes you will get lucky. [url=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcm.php]MCM 財布[/url]The only problem along with consignment shops is that most of the owners of these shops know just what the designer handbags really should be worth. [url=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/prada.php]PRADA アウトレット[/url]They may have been given instructions from the consignee to only accept a clear price as well. <a href=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php#レイバン クラブマスター>レイバン クラブマスター</a>However, sometimes you can get lucky and choose a great summer purse to get a fair price.
4. Department store sales
<a href=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php#レイバン クラブマスター>メガネ レイバン</a>If you do certainly not mind getting a bag when they get home of the season and wearing it the following season, then you can hit up the shops when they are clearing out to the fall and winter. http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybannihon.php レイバン クラブマスターThis is a great time to get about 50% off all retail and get a fantastic bag for a low cost price. [url=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/pradasuki.html]プラダ 財布[/url]Many of the designer handbags transform into cheap summer handbags at the end of the season.
5. Shopping online
Online shopping for cheap summer handbags may well be your best option. http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/prada.php PRADA アウトレットYou will have the largest selection and you may also have many different auction and discount sites to check for top price. <a href=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybankan.html#レイバン ティアドロップ>レイバン サングラス</a>Plus this gives you usage of the designer and company websites, which may have an improved price than the sell.
The Conclusion for Seeking the Best Cheap Summer Shopping bags
The bottom line is that there are a budget<a href=http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/pradasuki.html#プラダ 財布>プラダ 財布</a> to stay in, but you still have to find a handbag you could end up proud of and that should make you more assured this summer. http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcmkan.html mcm リュックThis means you ought to seek out one of the many cheap summer handbags that can assist you accessorize your wardrobe and ensure that you get the look you need.<a href=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybanmisei.html#レイバン サングラス>レイバン クラブマスター</a>
The last thing you probably want is a reproduction, but this is a possibility.http://www.oncomingimages.com/tenpo/mcmseiru.html MCM 店舗 However, the resale value is going to be very low on the replica. This means you have to search for the right bag for the suitable price, <a href=http://www.orientalhousetrading.com/gojasu/raybanya.html#レイバン ティアドロップ>レイバン サングラス</a>which can be tricky. Use the options above to see the best cheap summer totes this season and stay of your budget.
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6/14/2013 11:48:00 PMLong ball leads Dragons over South Bend
South Bend, Ind. Jesse Winker, Junior Arias, and Seth Mejias-Brean all belted home runs as the Dayton Dragons defeated the South Bend Silver Hawks 7-4 on Friday night. The Dragons have now won five of their last six games in South Bend against the first place Silver Hawks.
Dragons starting pitcher Nick Travieso, the Cincinnati Reds No. 1 pick in 2012, worked the first five innings and earned his first professional win.
He allowed one run on four hits with two walks and two strikeouts. The Dragons trailed 1-0 in the sixth inning and had not advanced a runner past first base in the game when Sammy Diaz singled with two outs and Winker followed with a two-run home run to right field to give the Dragons a 2-1 lead.
It was Winker s ninth of the year. Later in that same inning, Arias connected on a three-run home run to left field to make it 5-1. Arias [url=http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-crankcase-c-14_24]Oakley Crankcase Sunglasses[/url] homer was his seventh. Mejias-Brean blasted a long homer to left in the eighth as the Dragons jumped out [url=Oakley Jawbone Sunglasses[/url] to a 7-2 lead.
South Bend made things closer in the bottom of the ninth inning when Ronnie Freeman hit a two-run home run to make it 7-4. Sean Lucas came out of the Dragons bullpen to strike out the only batter he faced with the tying run in the on-deck circle to end the game as Lucas notched his ninth save.
Mike Saunders replaced Travieso in the sixth and made his Midwest League debut. He tossed two innings, allowing three hits and one run with no walks and three strikeouts.
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Diaz, who joined the Dragons on Thursday, collected three hits and a walk in his first game. Mejias-Brean had two hits and extended his hitting streak to nine straight games, matching the longest of the season for a Dayton player.
The Dragons battle the Silver Hawks again on Saturday at 7:05 p.m. in the second game of the three-game series. Drew Cisco (2-4, 4.12) will start for Dayton [url=Oakley Fuel Cell Sunglasses[/url] against South Bend s Jesse Darrah (6-4, 3.78). All Dragons games can be heard on WONE Radio (980 AM) and via the internet at daytondragons.com and wone.com.
Facebook Fark Digg Reddit Stumble Burberry showcases latest menswear inLondon The Associated Press
Tuesday, [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/all-star-c-73_74]NBA All Star T Shirts[/url] June 18, 2013 | 8:57 a.m.
British luxury brand Burberry has showcased its latest menswear designs in London after a decade in Milan.
The move brings the brand's menswear division in line with its [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/minnesota-timberwolves-c-73_81]Minnesota Timberwolves T Shirts[/url] more profitable womenswear branch, which has led the London Fashion Week circuit for the past few seasons.
Burberry design chief Christopher Bailey said Tuesday his collection aims to project a modern British elegance that's "sartorial but slouchy."
His show, in Kensington Gardens, drew tennis star Serena Williams and British singer Tinie Tempah to its front row.
Best known for its trench coats, Burberry reported recently that menswear was its fastest growing product division in the past year.
The brand joins other top industry players, including Tom Ford and Alexander McQueen, which are also showing menswear this week in the British capital.
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Big trucks, such as Ford's best-selling F-150, seem to be part of the American dream. (Ford)
I've been fortunate to have traveled the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia. Exotic islands, too. Wherever I go, I'm struck by one undeniable truth Americans love their full-size pickup trucks like no other country on planet Earth.
(I've also come to believe that, as a rule, the world's people are incredibly warm and generous, but I'll let Rick Steves cover that topic.)
We like our trucks big, and we like them powerful. Globally, compact vehicles such as the Ford Focus, Toyota Corolla and Volkswagen Golf are the top sellers. But in the U.S., it has been the Ford F-150 by a wide margin for 28 years straight. That's followed by the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra twins, another pair of full-size trucks.
You might see an occasional pickup in Japan or Slovenia, but they're smaller and far less imposing than the Ram 1500 or Toyota Tundra (No. 3 and 4 in [url=Angeles Clippers T Shirts[/url] pickup sales, respectively). Full-size trucks don't get a second glance in downtown Seattle. In Tokyo, they would be Godzilla come to life.
Perhaps we love pickups because they fit our can-do attitude, even if some owners carry only air in the bed. It's empowering to haul a full load of beauty bark to improve another unique piece of Americana the large lawn.
These chores could be done with smaller trucks such as the Toyota Tacoma, Honda Ridgeline, Nissan Frontier, Chevy Colorado or GMC Sonoma but there's always the chance that motorcycles, campers or small yachts will need towing. As a nation of grown-up Boy Scouts, "be prepared" is seared into our collective psyche.
Pickup trucks are huge moneymakers for manufacturers, so competition for buyers is fierce. Truck makers are adding [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/los-angeles-clippers-c-73_78]Los Angeles Clippers LOGO T Shirts[/url] bells and whistles in an attempt to sway buyers or retain loyalty.
For example, the clever utility of Ram's RamBox side-bed storage system which can even be used as a cooler might test the loyalty of even the most devout Ford or Chevy drivers. The 2014 Silverado gets an ingenious step notched into the rear-bumper corners, as well as a torsion spring in the tailgate for an effortless and silky operation.
Manufacturers are also loading on the glitz in luxury versions, such as the Ford King Ranch, GMC Sierra Denali and Ram Laramie Longhorn, which made Ward's 10 Best Interiors list this year. Chevy fans will soon get their own luxury truck to covet: the Silverado High Country, due out this fall.
Since mpgs are becoming as important to buyers as towing capability, many full-size rigs now equal, or even surpass, the small pickup in fuel efficiency. Ford has scored big with its turbocharged 365-horsepower V-6 EcoBoost engine, which provides V-8-like power and deep torque. Chrysler has bolted an eight-speed transmission into the Ram for best-in-class fuel economy at 25 mpg highway.
Visit a Chevrolet or GMC dealer this summer and you'll find new generations of Silverado and Sierra that offer up a whole new level of driving refinement to go with classic GM [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/minnesota-timberwolves-c-73_81]Minnesota Timberwolves T Shirts[/url] design. Toyota is upgrading its Tundra with more machismo pressed into the sheet metal and a welcome cabin upgrade; look for it this fall.
Ford has kept the F-150 admirably fresh over the years and is launching an all-new version in 2014. Expect it to [url=Timberwolves T Shirts[/url] follow the cues found in the Atlas concept truck. GM is prepping a replacement for the midsize Colorado/Sonoma in the U.S. market.
Will the rest of the world come to embrace these workhorses they way we do? Probably not. Our lifestyles and demands are unique. And, really, can you imagine navigating Paris in a Nissan Titan? I didn't think so.
OMAHA, Neb. A sterling performance by LSU ace Aaron Nola was all for naught at the College World Series, and now the Tigers are facing elimination.
The Southeastern Conference pitcher of the year limited UCLA to five singles over eight innings, but two LSU errors led to the Bruins' runs in a 2-1 loss Sunday night.
The Bruins got their leadoff man on base every inning from the fourth through ninth, and their offensively challenged lineup was able to capitalize with some help from the Tigers.
"It was real frustrating, letting that leadoff guy get on," said Nola (12-1). "But it's happened to me before through the year. I battled as hard as I [url=http://www.agoshow.net/Cubs-24-Byrd-Navy-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-28/]Cubs 24 Byrd Navy 2010 All Star Jerseys[/url] could until the last pitch. Unfortunately, we booted a couple balls around. You've got to forget about that, and we're going to come out Tuesday and compete."
The No. 4 Tigers are the third of the three remaining national seeds to lose at the CWS. No. 1 North Carolina lost to North Carolina State on Sunday, and Mississippi State knocked off No. 3 Oregon State on Saturday.
"It was a tough, tough loss, [url=http://www.agoshow.net/Rangers-27-Vladimir-Guerrero-red-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-73/]Rangers 27 Vladimir Guerrero red 2010 All Star Jerseys[/url] that's for sure," LSU coach Paul Mainieri said. "I'm certainly glad it's a double-elimination tournament. That would be a tough one to end the season on."
LSU (57-10) will play North Carolina on Tuesday, with the loser going home. UCLA (45-17) will meet North Carolina State that night.
Adam Plutko and two relievers limited LSU to five hits. LSU scored its only run on Mason Katz's fourth-inning homer. The Tigers, one of the best fielding teams in the nation during the regular season, made mistakes that allowed the Bruins to tie the game in the sixth and take the lead in the eighth.
Plutko (9-3) allowed four hits in seven innings, and David Berg worked out of trouble in the ninth to earn his 22nd save.
LSU made it interesting until the end. Katz reached on shortstop Pat Valaika's throwing error in the ninth but was erased on a double play, with second baseman JaCoby Jones' throw to first narrowly beating Raph Rhymes.
Christian Ibarra walked, and pinch-hitter Tyler Moore hammered a ball up the middle that knocked down Berg to put runners on first and second. Berg faked as if to make a wild pickoff throw into center field, but pinch-runner Jared Foster didn't take the bait and stayed put after diving back to second base.
Berg ran the count to 3-0 on Jones before inducing a fly ball to right to end the game.
Both runs against Nola were unearned. He's now pitched 24 NCAA tournament innings without allowing an earned run.
LSU opened the scoring in the fourth when Katz drove Plutko's 89-mph high fastball into the left-field bullpen for his 16th homer of the season and the first in four CWS games.
The Bruins got the run back in the sixth after Brian Carroll bunted for a single and took second on catcher Ty Ross's wild throw to first. Carroll moved to third on a groundout and scored on Valaika's sacrifice fly.
Pinch-hitter Ty Moore, batting .208, singled to left on Nola's first pitch of the eighth inning. Christoph Bono pinch ran and moved up on a sacrifice. He scored the go-ahead run when Eric Filia's hard grounder to shortstop bounced off national freshman of the year Alex Bregman for his fourth error in six NCAA tournament games.
"We knew Aaron would give us a chance to win, and he did," Mainieri said. "Unfortunately, uncharacteristically for us, we made a couple of mistakes defensively that cost us dearly. And had we made all the plays for Aaron, they may not have scored. So we'll just have to regroup, pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and get ready for Tuesday and North Carolina."
ON LAKE MICHIGAN NEAR POVERTY ISLAND, Mich. In a remote part of northern Lake Michigan, divers have started looking at an underwater pit, hoping to find the resting place of the Griffin, a ship commanded by the 17th century French explorer La Salle.
The origin of the search, which began Saturday, can be traced back to 2001, when expedition leader Steve Libert discovered a timber slab wedged in the lakebed. U.S. and French archaeologists examined sediment removed from a hole dug near that slab and found a 15-inch slab of blackened wood that might have been a human-fashioned "cultural artifact," although more analysis will be required to determine whether it was part of a vessel, project manager Ken Vrana said.
Libert, who has spent about three decades searching for the Griffin (also known by its French equivalent Le Griffon), said he hoped that by Sunday, the excavation would reach what sonar readings indicate is a distinct shape beneath several feet of sediment. The object is over 40 feet long and about 18 feet wide - dimensions [url=All Star St.Louis Cardinals 4 Molina Red Jerseys[/url] similar to those the Griffin is believed to have had, Vrana said.
But he said it was too early to declare [url=http://www.agoshow.net/Rangers-27-Vladimir-Guerrero-red-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-73/]Rangers 27 Vladimir Guerrero red 2010 All Star Jerseys[/url] the site a shipwreck, let alone the object of their quest.
"Soon we will find out whether our assumption is correct or not," Vrana said aboard the Proud Maid, a 45-foot commercial fishing boat that ferried journalists and crew members to the search area near Poverty Island in Michigan waters north of the entrance to Green Bay. "We've got to get those test pits dug and hit (the) structure, because anything else is pure speculation."
After meeting with team members Saturday night, he told reporters that "within a couple of days we should know" whether a ship graveyard lies beneath the surface.
Although Libert and his associates have dived at the site numerous times and conducted several surveys with remote sensing equipment, they hadn't conducted archaeological excavations until receiving a permit from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources this month after years of legal squabbles. The agency claims ownership over all Great Lakes shipwrecks in the state's waters, although it acknowledges France would have rights to the Griffin because it was sailing under the authority of King Louis XIV.
Taking part in Saturday's dive were Michel L'Hour, director of the Department of Underwater Archaeological Research in the French Ministry of Culture and a noted authority on shipwrecks, and associate Olivia Hulot. The U.S. leaders said they hoped the visitors, with their knowledge of design and construction features of French ships from the 17th and 18th century, could help confirm whether the Griffin had been found.
"The Griffin is very important to the early history of America," L'Hour said in an interview before taking his first look at the site. "If this is the Griffin, it will teach us many things."
Rene Robert Cavelier de la Salle ordered the Griffin built near Niagara Falls in 1679 to support his quest for what was widely - but erroneously - believed to be a passageway to China and Japan. It was the first European-style vessel to traverse the upper Great Lakes, crossing Lake Erie and venturing northward to Lake Huron, then across Lake Michigan to the eastern shore of modern-day Wisconsin.
La Salle ordered the ship to return for more supplies and to deliver a load of [url=http://www.agoshow.net/2009-World-Baseball-Classic-18-Soto-white-jersey-23/]2009 World Baseball Classic 18 Soto white jersey[/url] furs, while he continued his journey [url=26 Chase Utley Road Cool Base Grey 2010 All Star Jerseys[/url] by canoe. The Griffin was never heard from again. There are various theories about its fate, but none that have been proven. Libert, who spent years studying the writings of La Salle and a companion, believes it sank in a fierce storm only a few miles after setting sail.
Libert said Saturday the recovery of the slab of wood and prospects for reaching what may be the ship's hull shortly were promising signs.
"Right now I'm pretty excited, from what I know so far," he said, but added: "Scientific (proof) is 100 percent. It's not 99.9 percent."
Follow John Flesher on Twitter at /JohnFlesher
Facebook Fark Digg Reddit Stumble Miracle saved parishioner as he was shot execution-style duringMass
AP Photo/Standard-Examiner, Benjamin Zack
Police are outside St. James Catholic Church in Ogden, Utah, Sunday June 16, 2013 after a man was shot in the back of the head during mass at the church. The suspect, Charles Richard Jennings Jr., 35, was captured Sunday afternoon in nearby Box Elder County after fleeing in a stolen pickup truck, investigatorssaid.
By Brady McCombs, Associated Press
Monday, June 17, 2013 | 5:45 p.m.
This photo provided by the Ogden City Police shows Charles Richard Jennings Jr.
OGDEN, Utah 鈥?It was a quiet part of the Father's Day Mass as about 300 people stood up in preparation for communion. A parishioner, known by many at the church as Ricky Jennings, entered through the glass doors in back, holding his wife Cheryl's hand.
Seconds later, police say Jennings fired a single shot at the back of Cheryl's father's head, nearly killing him. The loud bang pierced the silence, sending people diving for cover beneath [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/new-york-knicks-c-73_82]New York Knicks T Shirts[/url] pews and the priest behind the altar.
"It was echoing in my head so loud," said Rebecca Ory Hernandez, who was only a few feet away from the Evans with her 5-year-old son. She grabbed her son, threw him under the pew and got on top of him. She heard the pastor blurt out an expletive into his microphone. "I was waiting for another gunman," she said.
The shooter ran from the church, the pastor and a half dozen other men close on his heels. Ory Hernandez and other parishioners went to James Evans. They used scarves and a shirt to help soak up the blood, and she cradled his head. His wife, Tara, who had been standing next to him, and others prayed.
"I'm OK, I'm OK," Evans kept saying, as blood spilled from his mouth.
Meanwhile, Charles Richard Jennings Jr., 35, stole a truck from a nearby neighbor at gunpoint and led police on a highway chase, police said. He was caught hours later on foot after the truck ran out of gas.
As police try to determine why Jennings shot his father-in-law 鈥?police think he may have been drinking or on drugs and say the couple had a history of domestic disputes 鈥?the family is grateful for a small miracle.
Evans, who turns 66 on Tuesday, was struck at the side of his head, the bullet going through near his ear and out his cheek and missing his brain, said Dr. Barbara Kerwin, the director of the intensive care unit at McDay-Dee Hospital in Ogden.
"He turned [url=http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/all-star-c-73_74]NBA All Star T Shirts[/url] his head just at the right time," his wife said Monday, crying at a hospital news conference. "If didn't turn his head, he would have been hit in the back of the head and he would have been dead."
He was in critical condition Monday but doctors say he's expected to live, although he'll need reconstructive surgery and rehab to learn to swallow and speak again, Kerwin said. He was awake on Monday, nodding yes and no, writing and using hand signals to communicate.
Jennings was booked on suspicion of attempted aggravated criminal homicide, aggravated robbery and possession of a firearm by a restricted user. Charges are expected to be filed Tuesday, and Jennings will appear by video for arraignment in Ogden, said Weber County deputy county attorney Dean Saunders.
Court records show Jennings has a criminal record going back to 1996, when he pleaded no contest to several traffic-related misdemeanors. Over the years, he's pleaded no contest to felony charges of failing to yield to police and attempting to receive a stolen vehicle, and misdemeanor charges for traffic violations, criminal trespassing and theft. He's also pleaded guilty to theft charges and a felony charge of attempting to tamper with a witness or juror.
Authorities don't expect to file any charges against Jennings' wife. She was not at Monday's news conference with her mother and another sister at the McDay-Dee Hospital in Ogden. It's not clear whether she knew her husband had the gun, or what she did after he shot her father on Sunday.
After paramedics rushed James Evans to the hospital, the Rev. Erik Richtsteig returned to the brick church that sits on the east side of Ogden at the foot of a steep rock mountain called Jumpoff Canyon, surrounded by middle-class houses with manicured lawns and rose bushes.
As doctors operated on James Evans, who had recently accompanied the priest on a trip to the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Richtsteig told his congregation who the shooter was, and asked them to pray for the couple and their 3-year-old son.
Then, for those who stayed, he finished the Mass, explaining his reasons matter-of-factly, Ory Hernandez said.
"Evil will not prevail," Richtsteig said.
The congregation is shaken, Richtsteig said Monday: "They were a mess 鈥?they were worshipping God and this man came in and did an act of violence."
Ory Hernandez says she has cried, enraged that violence came to the house of worship, and was at a loss for words when her son told her, "I didn't know there were any bad guys in this town, mommy."
But it won't stop her from coming back to church.
"The bad guy doesn't get to win this time," she said.
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LOS ANGELES "Man of Steel" went up, up and away at the box office.
The Warner Bros. superhero film earned $116.6 million in its opening weekend. The retelling of Superman's backstory nabbed the record for biggest all-time opening in June and is the second biggest opening of the year behind "Iron Man 3," which is on the verge of cracking $400 million at the box office in North America.
The top 20 movies at U.S. and Canadian theaters Friday through Sunday, followed by distribution studio, gross, number of theater locations, average receipts per location, total gross and number of weeks in release, as compiled Monday by Hollywood.com, are:
1. "Man of Steel," Warner Bros., $116,619,362, 4,207 locations, $27,720 average, $128,681,486, one week.
2. "This Is the End," Sony, $20,719,162, 3,055 locations, $6,782 average, $33,027,297, one week.
3. "Now You See Me," Lionsgate, $11,016,473, 3,082 locations, $3,574 average, $80,705,916, three weeks.
4. "Fast & Furious 6," Universal, $9,583,330, 3,375 locations, $2,840 average, $219,723,955, four weeks.
5. "The Purge," Universal, $8,317,995, 2,591 locations, $3,210 average, $51,962,845, two weeks.
6. "The Internship," Fox, $7,148,551, 3,399 locations, $2,103 average, $31,099,912, two weeks.
7. "Epic," Fox, $6,284,905, 3,151 locations, $1,995 average, $95,713,528, four weeks.
8. "Star Trek: Into Darkness," Paramount, $6,256,254, 2,331 locations, $2,684 average, $211,086,948, five weeks.
9. "After Earth," Sony, $4,052,042, 2,432 locations, $1,666 average, $54,516,057, three weeks.
10. "Iron Man 3," Disney, $2,956,855, 1,649 locations, $1,793 average, $399,659,094, seven weeks.
11. "The Hangover Part http://www.agoshow.net/Braves-22-Jason-Heyward-2010-all-star-blue-Jerseys-57/ - Braves 22 Jason Heyward 2010 all star blue Jerseys III," Warner Bros., $2,782,149, 1,901 locations, $1,464 average, $108,032,701, four weeks.
12. "The Great Gatsby," Warner Bros., $1,674,333, 1,175 locations, $1,425 average, $139,977,874, six weeks.
13. "Before Midnight," Spc, $1,382,719, 897 locations, $1,541 average, $3,054,968, four weeks.
14. "42," Warner Bros., $606,121, 444 locations, $1,365 average, $93,701,489, 10 weeks.
15. "The Croods," Fox, $570,353, 368 locations, $1,550 average, $182,651,450, 13 weeks.
16. "Mud," Roadside Attractions, $539,078, 405 locations, $1,331 average, $19,563,103, eight weeks.
17. "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani," Eros International, $310,774, 161 locations, $1,930 average, $3,394,010, three weeks.
18. "Frances Ha," IFC, $293,566, 212 locations, $1,385 average, $2,876,732, five weeks.
19. "The East," Fox Searchlight, $287,955, 115 locations, $2,504 average, $709,260, three weeks.
20. "Oz the Great and Powerful," Disney, $244,191, 259 locations, $943 average, $234,176,728, 15 weeks.
Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox http://www.agoshow.net/Mariners-51-Ichiro-red-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-40/ - Mariners 51 Ichiro red 2010 All Star Jerseys and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.
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ATLANTA (AP) 鈥?The cast of an Atlanta sports radio show has been fired after mocking a former NFL player who has 's disease, a station official said http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/all-star-c-73_74 - NBA All Star T Shirts Monday.
The show, Mayhem in the AM, was broadcast on 790 Monday morning. In a statement, General Manager said the station regrets comments made about ex- safety .
The 36-year-old suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS patients lose the ability to speak and move, which has happened to Gleason.
The station lists the hosts as , Steak Shapiro and . But Mack didn't give the names of those fired.
During the segment, two of the on-air personalities http://www.wholesalefootballtshirts.com/all-star-c-73_74 - NBA All Star T Shirts took a call from a third host who pretended to be Gleason by using a voice that sounded automated 鈥?mimicking another famous ALS patient, .
The host pretending to be Gleason told a series of jokes and eventually asked the two others to do him a favor by smothering him.
All three took to Twitter Monday evening to apologize to fans and others who criticized the segment. Listeners and critics turned to the station's Facebook page to call for the hosts' termination.
Gleason played for the Saints between 2000 and 2006. Team Gleason, an organization named after the former NFL player, is geared toward finding a cure for ALS, raising awareness of the disease and connecting patients to technology, equipment and services tailored to fit their needs.
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has witnessed a drastic transformation of Kansas City in his ten-year tenure at the Kansas City Convention and Visitors Association. Such a transformation, he said, that he feels relatively good about stepping down from his role as president and CEO at the end of the month.
"But I don't really know if there's ever a good time," Hughes said.
As the longest-serving president in the organization's history, Hughes helped the association grow its budget by roughly $3 million, leaving it in a better financial situation than it's been in for a dozen years.
But ask Hughes, and he'll divert the credit back to the Kansas City community.
"We've been accused of being a bit of http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-jury-c-2_10 - Oakley Jury Sunglasses a change agent, but that's not about me," he said. "It embodies the balance you'll find between our staff, board, community and myself as CEO."
He says that once he steps down, the biggest opportunity for the organization will be to capitalize on the momentum the city's had over the past decade, and to continue to propel the city into more exciting developments.
"There's a lot of momentum building," he said.
RELATED: , CEO of the
In the meantime, Hughes will stay on board at the association in a consulting capacity for another year. And other than a 3,000-plus mile motorcycle trek to the Northeast in his immediate future, he plans to stick around Kansas City for a while.
"It's just an extremely naturally hospitable and naturally authentic place," Hughes said.
His immediate plans include celebrating his grandson's fifth birthday on July 1. His wife, he said, will also celebrate turning "60 years young" at the end of August.
In the long-run, he hopes to stay on some, but not all, of the boards he currently serves on, including the Economic Development Corp., the Kansas City Downtown Council and the Kansas City Jazz Orchestra. He'll also work on other project commitments he's made over the http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-scalpel-c-35_37 - Oakley Scalpel Sunglasses years, as well as peruse his other business interests and start volunteering.
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Business First is answering a monthlong series of questions about Western New York, based on the latest data from the .
Today's question: Which Western New York community has the highest income levels? (That's based on median household income, the midpoint income for all households within each community.)
(or on the hashmark logo to http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-crankcase-c-14_24 - Oakley Crankcase Sunglasses the right) to find the answer.
We've collected statistics for all 54 Western New York cities and towns with populations above 5,000. (Villages are subdivisions of towns, so they http://www.oakleysunglassesretail.com/oakley-xx-meta-c-14_17 - Oakley XX META Sunglasses Outlet are not included in these standings.)
The slideshow (which runs from lowest value to highest) offers a quick and easy way to scan the rankings of all 54 cities and towns. All figures are from the five-year version of the Census Bureau's 2011 American Community Survey, the current source of federal data at the local level.
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The man who was mauled by a black bear after tossing http://www.agoshow.net/Phillies-34-Roy-Halladay-Road-Cool-Base-Grey-2010-All-Star-Jerseys-86/ - Phillies 34 Roy Halladay Road Cool Base Grey 2010 All Star Jerseys barbecue meat at the animal Saturday has been ticked for illegally feeding game, Alaska State Troopers say.
Jesus Mabalot, 38, was visiting an area near Eklutna Lake Campground for a church picnic when he went for a bicycle ride, said trooper spokeswoman Beth Ipsen. Mabalot had been drinking and took some barbecue with him, she http://www.agoshow.net/Blank-Black-2011-All-Star-Jerseys-96/ - Blank Black 2011 All Star Jerseys said.
He stopped, straddling his bicycle, and threw some kind of meat on a stick at the bear.
"The bear ate it," Ipsen said. "He threw another one at the bear, the bear ate it. And that's when the bear attacked him."
A ranger reported the mauling to troopers at about 5 p.m., she said. Mabalot suffered scratch wounds to his back and a wound to his chin, she said.
Doctors treated the man for minor injuries at Alaska Regional Hospital, where he was interviewed by a trooper before his release.
"He was able to give us some details. We couldn't get a very specific location of where this happened because of a language barrier," Ipsen said. "I don't know if this had anything to do with it, but the trooper said he could tell he had been drinking too. He was intoxicated."
It is illegal in Alaska to feed moose, deer, elk, bears or other wild game without a permit. The fine for the citation is $310, according to troopers.
"It's kind of like a ticket. A speeding ticket. You can contest in court if you want to, or you can just pay the fine," Ipsen said.
Troopers cited Mabalot Sunday night, she said.
Mabalot's court record includes convictions for criminal mischief and fourth-degree assault in 2012, and illegal use of a phone or electronic communication and malicious destruction of property in 2011, court records show.
Twitter updates: . Call Kyle Hopkins at 257-4334 or email him at .